About the Author
My name is Lawrence Smith. I am deeply grateful for lectio divina. I have appreciated lectio divina exercises that are filled with thought provoking detail as well as lectio divina exercises that only provide questions. Either way, I am thankful for the opportunity to be lead in an encounter with God.
I have been a local pastor in Fresno for the past 15+ years. My excitement about lectio divina has grown out of my ministry experience helping people hear God speak to them. Whether in group settings or one on one, I have had the privilege of leading many people in reflective exercises that help connect them with God.
My personal journey with lectio divina has been slow. I was introduced to it towards the beginning of my ministry experience and in the last five years have had meaningful moments with lectio divina that have shaped my passion for the practice. My hope for you is that you will have patience and grace for yourself as you try this exercise. You may find that it works really well for you and you may find that you don’t connect with it at all. Whatever your experience, I pray that you appreciate the opportunity to sit with Jesus and hear the God who loves you speak Life to you.
I currently live in Fresno with my wife and two children. I am currently an employee of the Pacific District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches where one of my roles is to provide opportunities for pastors and church ministry leaders to listen to the voice of Jesus through the practice of Lectio Divina.