About Lectio Divina

Lectio divina is an ancient spiritual discipline (dated to before the 6th century) that centers around reading the Bible. However, reading is not the primary goal of lectio divina. The words lectio divina translate to “Divine reading.” Essentially, a lectio divina is about reading in such a way that you are aware of God with you. Lectio divina is a practice that is considered part of the contemplative stream of Christianity. The contemplative stream is simply “practicing the presence of God”[1] (Foster 25). Lectio Divina provides us a way of reading Scripture that “practices the presence of God.”. The purpose of lectio divina is a relationship with God. It is about listening. M. Basil Pennington, a catholic priest who wrote much about this wonderful spiritual practice, says “lectio is an experiential hearing of the Word of God. It is a hearing in the context of a certain listening” [2](M. Basil Pennington 4). Often we approach Scripture with the mindset of reading it to understand what it says. This is very important and there are even aspects of this kind of reading in a lectio divina, but when lectio divina is used intentionally, it helps the one practicing it to not simply read Scripture, but allow Scripture to read them. A typical lectio divina consists of four major parts; lectio, meditatio, oratio, contemplatio. The exercises you will find on this website will use these terms as a base and adds two more; silencio and incarnatio. You can find a definition of these terms here. These parts provide different opportunities to listen to the voice of God and be present to God while you read Scripture. This website is dedicated to exploring lectio divina, helping you use lectio divina in a way that will be personally enriching, and hopefully encourage you to try out this spiritual exercise on your own.

[1] Foster, Richard. Streams of Living Water: Essential Practices from the Six Great Traditions of Christian Faith, Harper-Collins Publishers, New York, NY 1998, pg 25

[2] Pennington, M. Basil. Lectio Divina: Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures. Crossroad Pub., 1998. Pg 4


History of lectio divina

Lectio divina may be an ancient exercise, first thought to be used before the 6th century[1] (see www.contemplativeoutreach.org), but it has been a very meaningful spiritual exercise for many people for much of church history. Adele Ahlberg Calhoun says, “since many people were illiterate and many that could read didn’t have Bibles, lectio divina offered a way of attending to Scripture as it was read in church, with an ear to hearing a word from God”[2] (Calhoun 188). Over the centuries there are two basic ways of practicing lectio divina; scholastic and monastic. The scholastic method was “developed in the late Middle Ages” and the monastic method was developed much earlier than that (see www.contemplativeoutreach.org). In the 12th century, a European monk Guigo the Second used lectio divina “to shape reading into living” (Petersen 91) You can learn more about the differences between the scholastic and monastic approach here. This website will primarily use the scholastic method of lectio divina. Throughout the many years of this spiritual practice and the different formats lectio divina has taken, the “purpose has remained the same: to enter into a conversation with God and cultivate the gift of contemplation” (see www.contemplativeoutreach.org).

[1] Outreach, Contemplative. “History of Lectio Divina.” Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., 11 Aug. 2021, https://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/history-of-lectio-divina/.  

[2] Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg. “Lectio Divina/Devotional Reading.” Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform us, IVP Books, Downers Grove, IL, 2005, pp. 187–190.  

Why do lectio divina?

We live in a time when most people regularly use smart phones. One study shows that some children get their first smart phone as soon as age seven.[1] With this constant access to mobile devices our brains are being put on overload because we attempt to do many things at once, while also using our phones. This multitasking, as Daniel Levitin calls it, “increases the production of the stress hormone cortisol as well as the fight-or-flight hormone adrenaline, which can overstimulate your brain and cause mental fog or scrambled thinking”[2]. Our brains are over-taxed by too much noise. One study suggests that one helpful antidote to this noise would be silence or meditation[3].

The spiritual practice of lectio divina provides a way to practice silence and meditation, but by making the focus of that silence and meditation on Scripture and the presence of God. This creates the potential for inner transformation because the focus is on God, who created us and gives us life. Through the practice of lectio divina we can quiet our lives, giving our brains a break from multitasking, and we can develop a deeper relationship with God by listening to God’s voice. The goal of mylectio.net is to create space for your relationship with God to grow and to help you listen to God’s voice in your life.

[1] Media, PA. “Most Children Own Mobile Phone by Age of Seven, Study Finds.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 30 Jan. 2020, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jan/30/most-children-own-mobile-phone-by-age-of-seven-study-finds#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20children%20own,most%20young%20people%2C%20it%20indicates.

[2] Levitin, Daniel J. “Why the Modern World Is Bad for Your Brain.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 18 Jan. 2015, https://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jan/18/modern-world-bad-for-brain-daniel-j-levitin-organized-mind-information-overload.

[3] Garone, Sarah. “8 Ways Silence Can Give Your Health a Boost.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 24 Sept. 2021, https://www.healthline.com/health/mind-body/physical-and-mental-health-benefits-of-silence.